23 September, 2006 • Express Train
Bound for home ~ 6:15pm - Click for next Image

Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted

Bound for home ~ 6:15pm



  1. Hi Travis.
    Rather than on this particular picture, this is a general comment on your work as a whole, which I find fascinating. I regard your photos as an extremely insightful (and personal, your point of view is very clear) narrative project, which gathers momentum and strength by accumulation, and truly believe a good edit could lead to a wonderful book in the best tradition of Americal street life photography.
    I am working on a subway project myself, in Madrid, called "Y pocos los elegidos" (And Few are Chosen), a sort of homage/response to Walker Evan's classic Many Are Called. As opposed to you, I still make things difficult for myself by using low sensitive (100 ASA) color slide film and a Fl-day filter, and focus almost exclusively on group images in the line of the one you took on Jan 17 2006.
    Although our projects are visually and conceptually different, your work in progress is a constant source of inspiration.
    Thank you and the best of luck

  2. Great shot! I love the contrast, right down to the difference in the coins, the numbers 13 and 14 and how one woman looks to be going to work or to take care of some urgent business (coins out of order) and the other seems to be getting of work or not in such a rush - thus the coins are more in order (LOL). Such a great catch!!!!!! My imagination run with this one.

  3. This is a wonderful set of photographs. I have followed the history of New York subway photographs beginning with Walker Evans. These are becoming my favorites.

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Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted