1 February, 2006 • Express Train
Broadway-Nassau ~ 6:45pm - Click for next Image

Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted

Broadway-Nassau ~ 6:45pm

Don't bother to get up. If ever I posted a photo that invited visitor captioning this is it.


  1. Maybe it's a New York thing, but what's with that chair!?

  2. subway office

  3. I don't think this guy fully grasps the concept of telecommuting.
    Still, I love how casual and relaxed he looks. Too bad he's not holding a cup of coffee.

  4. what i love about it is that no one else on the platform seems phased by him at all. they're completely uniformly focused on the coming train.

  5. Exactly - thats NYC. A guy sitting in an office chair on the subway platform is taken in stride compared with the other oddities of daily like here. Great capture btw.

  6. I'm surprised he wasn't yelled at over the loudspeaker like kids riding their bikes on the platform are.

  7. And that ladies and gentlemen is why I LOVE NYC.

  8. NICE

  9. Earl Nusselman so loves his office chair that he commutes with it daily and gets really really irate when people fail to respect his right to seatedness in public. Why, just last week he said out loud, "By Golly, I WILL take this chair to the ends of the Earth if necessary because, for once in my working life, I have found a seat that is COMFORTABLE. I LOVE this chair!!" So that's what he said, and that's probably why he's hanging (sitting) out at Broadway -- Nassau at 6:45 pm.

  10. Judging from the time (6:45pm), I'd say it's rush hour. This guy just wanted to ENSURE that he would have had a seat on the train...and what better way to do so? LOL! He'd just roll right in.

    Nice capture.

  11. PeePaw I feel out my chair reading your take on the scene!

  12. Wonderfully witty. Brilliant.

  13. Only in New York!

  14. This is awesome. I love how everyone is ignoring him too.

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Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted