20 September, 2005 • Express Train
F Train ~ Smith & 9th St ~ 6:30pm - Click for next Image

Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted

F Train ~ Smith & 9th St ~ 6:30pm

If you haven't figured it out by now, this is our one brief visit to the outside light on the way home. You get about 8 minutes before you're thrown back underground.

Had a heck of a time uploading a file yesterday/today. Almost wanted to scream. But then I had my morning commte bring me back to reality. No uptown Lexington Ave trains. Yikes. So it took 5 different lines to get here. Anyone else out there suffer this am?


  1. Great shot, his expression (or lack thereof) reminds me of coming home on the tram.

  2. Oh, the lighting.......the first thought that entered my mind was, I wonder which of his features favor his mother, and which are his fathers. It's interesting to study a face in profile.

    His hand lightly on the glass...the wedding ring. The hands well cared for in contrast to the previous photo.

  3. It looks like he his longing to be just about anywhere but on the train. Such a look of intense daydreaming and thought. Great view through the doors. Like The Farmers Wife I am drawn to his hand.

  4. Superb portrait !

  5. Trapped! Let me out! Anywhere but here... outside, a world of light, inside, darkness, being dragged to work, to be chained to a desk!!!

    It's true about his hands though, trim and manicured, compared to the work hardened hands from yesterday.

    I sometimes wonder about work, in that respect. Yesterday's man was presumably a builder or something, who "makes" something, who creates a finished product. So many of us today sit at a PC all day long, and at the end of it, what do we have? Ummm, well, I sent a few emails, worked on a few "procedures" and, ummm, moved some files on a network. Research shows that those who have something to show for their work are happier in the long run. Is that why depression levels among the so called "developed" world are at an unprecedented high? Who knows.

    And all this, sparked from another marvellous Travis photo.

  6. Even with the blank look on his face, I'm reminded of the fascination of a child in the window seat on an airplane. That kind of fascination that spans the ages, making men dream like boys...

  7. Has no pupils shown in this pic, looks kind of alienish to me.

  8. Your work is true works journalistic, very near to the reality of people...

  9. This is an excellent photograph. I love the lighting and the colors. However, I think that I may have straightened it a bit so that the line running up the left edge would be straight with the frame. Great photo!

  10. Great lightning and expression on his face!

  11. Excellent.

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Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted