22 May, 2005 • Express Train
R train ~ Manhattan bound ~ 8:45am - Click for next Image

Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted

R train ~ Manhattan bound ~ 8:45am

Extra from last week.


  1. Another fine portrait. Just read the good news btw. Congrats to you and all NYC photographers. http://www.ny1.com/ny1/content/index.jsp?stid=1&aid=51056

  2. It is always good if people don't notice when they are being photographed! Great shot this one! Funny how the man is at right angle and the train is not...

  3. Great. I have not been encouraged to take picture of strangers on public.

  4. Hi, i just love your pictures! I love subway photos actually... And i admire your courage, because I'm always scared to photograph strangers like that in the train! your pictures are great, portraits of so many people in their everyday life, their natural expressions, etc. i love! :D

  5. just heard the news about NYC Subways... that's awesome news and great shot here... was this posed?

  6. Hmmm. I love this. That arms doesn't look like it belongs to him. But it's so good (as usual).

  7. I love how the depth of field is working in this shot.

  8. ~you continue to produce interesting, candid, yet not intrusive,portraits, which I believe is the strongest suit in your photography~

  9. Loving the DOF here.

  10. Perfect DOF for this shot - nice. Interesting subject.

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Photography © Travis Rusephotoblogs.orglisted